Friday, November 29, 2019

5 Email Etiquette Tips for Sending a Job Application Email

5 Email Etiquette Tips for Sending a Job Application Email 5 Email Etiquette Tips for Sending a Job Application Email Email is a critical aspect of almost every job application. It allows you to effectively communicate with your potential employer and portray yourself as a suitable candidate for the job opening. However, if you dont follow proper etiquette while sending your job application email, it might ruin your chances of getting that job.Try looking at it from a recruiters perspective. They get hundreds of emails everyday.Even small mistakes can turn them off and keep them from reading the rest of your job application email.Here are 6 ways to tailor your emails for job searchUse an actionable subject lineMake sure that you clearly mention the job description that youre applying for and that it exactly matches the job title provided in the job opening. This will avoid any confusion. For example, if the employer is looking for an SEO Analyst, dont mention SEO Expert in your email subject. Although these titles may be similar to you, they may be different in the eyes of your potential employer.Be clear about why youve sent the email. For example, Application for Communications Director Position is more informative than only Communications Director Position. It tells the recruiter that youre applying for the job and that they need to review your application. The latter leaves room for interpretation. Are you enquiring about the lage?Write it like a business documentWrite your job application email as if its a business document. It means using complete sentences and words, avoiding slang, acronyms, emoji and gifs.Also, pay careful attention to the tone of your glaubenszeugnis. While some startups and businesses encourage casual emails, its advisable to play safe and use a professional tone throughout your message, from the subject line to your signature.Use the right words and technical terms to showcase your expertise. For example, managed content absatzwirts chaft strategy has a finer touch than saying ran a blog. If youre not familiar with the industry language, subscribe to a couple of high authority, relevant blogs or influencers to stay updated about the latest trends and news in your industry.While describing details, use bullet points when possible. Theyre easier to read and give the impression that youve accomplished a lot. Five bullet points look a lot more impactful than a paragraph with five sentences.Customize the message according to the job positionAlthough different companies might use the same job title, their actual responsibilities might vary from one place to another.For example, in some businesses a Content Marketer may be required to manage a team of writers and come up with marketing strategies, while in other places they might be required to be creative and churn out content ideas.Change your introduction accordingly to position yourself as a suitable candidate. Highlight appropriate skills that fit the job descrip tion. For example, if the job requires a candidate with leadership qualities, give them an example of how you led your marketing team at your previous workplace. If it requires you to be creative, include links to some of your published content.Follow the instructionsOne of the most common mistakes candidates make is a failure to read the instructions properly, perhaps a result of bulk-mailing the same application to all recruiters.In fact, many employers deliberately include an instruction to test if the applicant has actually read the full job posting. For example, some might ask you to include a link to the job posting or answer a question in your email. Some employers dont accept email attachments, in which case, youll have to paste your resume and cover letters in the email body. If you dont follow their instructions, your application will be outright rejected.Go slow. Read the instructions before and after you compose your job application email, and only then hit the send butt on.Provide an informative signatureAt the very least, include your name, address, mobile phone, and a professional looking email address (e.g emailprotected) in your signature. This will make it easy for them to get back to you if youre selected for the next round.Your email signature is also a great way to paint a favorable picture about yourself and entice the employer to learn the right things about you. You can do this by simply including a social media handle to encourage them to find out more about you.The key is to provide the right social media handle suitable to the organization. For example, if youre applying to a consulting firm, update your LinkedIn profile and provide a link in your signature. If youre applying to an ecommerce business or a startup, consider links to Facebook and Twitter profiles. If youre applying to a developers role, then send them a link to your GitHub or StackOverflow profile.However, if your social profiles have inappropriate content or caustic co nversations, dont include them in your signature.Wrapping up your job application emailAsk your friends and family to review your email before finalizing the copy. In fact, send yourself a test mail before you start mailing recruiters, to ensure everything looks good. Once youre satisfied with the message, save it as a canned response for future use. Canned responses provide a great way to save your email content as a template. This way you dont have to manually type or paste the message every time, thereby eliminating any chance of errors. A few easy changes in your email habits will create a favorable impression on the recruiter and greatly boost your chances of being selected to the next round.Author BioFor more than 8 years, Sreeram Sreenivasan has worked with various Fortune 500 Companies in areas of Business Intelligence, Sales Marketing Strategy. He regularly writes at Fedingo about a wide range of business growth marketing topics. Hes also the Founder CEO of Ubiq Business Intelligence, a cloud-based BI Platform for SMBs Enterprises.Jobscan Blog deckblatt Letter AdviceOftentimes, your job application email also serves as your cover letter. Check out some other cover letter tips from JobscanAddressing a Cover Letter to UnknownIs Your Cover Letter ATS-Friendly?Are Cover Letters Necessary?

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Doing this one thing will help you not get sick at work

Doing this one thing will help you not get sick at workDoing this one thing will help you not get sick at workWeve made it through winter, but that doesnt mean there are still plenty of colds and other bugs going around just waiting for you. So how can you try to remain healthy this spring and summer? A new study provides some actually rather counterintuitive advice.Even though strenuous exercise is usually found to weaken your immune system, therefore, making you moresusceptible to illness. However, according to a new study reported in theNew York Times rigorous exercise could actually be the key to fending off sickness. So basically if you were thinking about skipping the gym after work today, think again.Exercise is good for the immune system.The study, which was featured in the journalFrontiers in Immunology, had researchers dyeing theimmune cells in miceto track their volume and activity pre and post-exercise. When the mice were working out and running around the immune cells sp read throughout the body to the lungs, guts, and bone marrow, thus making them infection-fighting machines.People should not be put off exercising for fear of it suppressing their immune system. Exercise is good for the immune system, says the studys co-author John Campbell, Ph.D.He updated data from the 80s that found that marathon runners tended to develop colds after racing. They found that marathon runners are not great at determining sickness versus allergies or just short-term throat scratching.Basically, you better stop making fun of the coworker that always is working out, and join them so you dont end up getting the office cold. However, do not put your body in danger with a workout that is too hard. Try to train a bit and then start doing the harder workouts so your body doesnt go into complete shock.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Interview Questions that Assess Emotional Intelligence

Interview Questions that Assess Emotional IntelligenceInterview Questions that Assess Emotional IntelligenceInterview Questions that Assess Emotional Intelligence RossheimEmotional intelligence (EI) is no new kid on the block. For years, employers have widely acknowledged the importance of qualities like self-awareness and empathy to the success of the business professional and her organization.What is new in the 2010s is the push to incorporate an evaluation of emotional intelligence (EI) into the employee selection process.Heres how companies and consultants are approaching the various rewards and risks of EI assessments and some interview questions that shed light on the candidates EI.Select candidates who are honest about themselves. It takes emotional maturity to be realistic about ones own psychological makeup, and many otherwise competent professionals lack this form of emotional intelligence.Look for ways to probe this in the interview. People with high emotional intelligence would answer honestly the question, How do you get around one of your weaknesses? says Ashley Goodall, director and chief learning officer for leadership development at consulting firm Deloitte.Be direct. In the interview, ask candidates to talk about how theyve resolved stressful situations, says Sylvia Lafair, a consultant and author of Dont Bring It to Work Breaking the Family Patterns that Limit Success.You can ask, How do you handle a procrastinator who has something due every Wednesday and doesnt deliver? These how do you handle questions give you a lot of keys.Do take care to ask all candidates the same set of questions, to reduce hiring-bias liability, adds Lafair.Look at experience and education in emotional intelligence. Academic programs are beginning to include emotional intelligence in their curriculum. For example, the course of study in some pharmacy programs incorporates EI.But I wouldnt just take that coursework at face value, says Lucinda Maine, CEO of the Americ an Association of Colleges of Pharmacy. I think you can learn emotional intelligence, but that doesnt necessarily mean youre able to use it. So you need to explore how well the learning stuck with the candidate.In the interview process, ask the candidate to give examples of how they apply what they learned in their EI training.Seek hires who will attract collaborators. After self-knowledge, emotional intelligence is really about knowing how to relate and how to work with people. To Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic, vice president of research and innovation at Hogan Assessments, professional success comes down to three things and asking these questions in the interviewDo you have the skills and IQ to learn the job?Will you work hard?Are you rewarding to deal with?Adds Chamorro-Premuzic, Emotional intelligence is the key to determining if youre rewarding to deal with. Also ask the candidate how his colleagues benefit from working with him.Consider formal assessments, in context. Firms such as Hogan Assessments offer testing instruments specifically intended to evaluate a professionals emotional intelligence in the workplace. These written assessments may play a role in your overall evaluation of a candidates EI, but they wont tell the whole story.You have to look at a number of things, notlage just a single test, says Louisa Mattson, a partner with consulting firm Essex Partners in Boston.Interviewing candidates across a range of situations phone, video, peer-to-peer and group situations, as well as traditional one-to-one meetings can also yield valuable insights on emotional intelligence.Beware employment-bias liability, even in written assessments of EI. If you buy a test, ask the test provider for documentation that the EI test or interview questions have been validated following recognized guidelines or at a minimum, that have been shown to predict success in similar jobs, writes Gabrielle Wirth, a partner at Dorsey Whitney LLP in Business Excellence.Look out fo r cultural bias. Human emotions may be universal but their ausprgung is not. For example, body language, particularlyavoidance of eye contact during the interview process may signify fear or disagreement in one culture, and in another, simple respect. So beware of the risks of assessing emotional intelligence by way of gestures or other communications in the interview verbal or nonverbal whose meaning may be culture-dependent.These assessments have to be culture-free, says Mattson. Ignore cultural bias at the expense of diversity and perhaps a discrimination lawsuit.Emotional dysfunctionality and the triumphant bully. If youre the first in your organization to raise the importance of emotional intelligence with your board of directors, be prepared for pushback. Its common for directors to accentuate the positive results that a scorched-earth executive has achieved, and to ignore the negative.But ultimately, if bad hires are made and tyrannical executives leave too many bodies by the wayside, the interpersonal liability will become so great that theyll be jettisoned, says Mattson.To circumvent this type of situation, take the time to check an executive candidates track record via references .What about noxious executives who just keep climbing? What if, even with toxic leadership, your company is enjoying some success, apparently vindicating those board members who were skeptical of EI from the start?Yes, most executives are argumentative, aggressive, narcissistic, neurotic, says Chamorro-Premuzic. But just because theyve been able to manage their careers upwards, that doesnt mean theyre the best leaders. And it doesnt mean emotional intelligence shouldnt count in future hires.Heres the exception that proves the rule. The paradox with Steve Jobs is that he was narcissistic but incredibly successful, says Chamorro-Premuzic. If you are creative and have such extraordinary talent, you can probably get away with it.